01 mai 2017

La colonie urbaine des goélands à Calais...

La colonie urbaine du quai de la Loire à Calais est une colonie mixte de Goélands argentés et bruns. Elle est installée sur l'ancienne voie ferrée qui menait les trains de la gare de Calais ville au terminus de la gare maritime...



10 commentaires:

  1. Love these urban gulls - very nice.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. je ze vestigen zich haast overal ze zijn niet meer zo kieskeurig.

  3. Réponses
    1. Non, mais des couples mixtes ont déjà été observés, mais cela reste très marginale.

  4. Loved seeing your gulls; they are beautiful!

  5. Urban gulls! They thrive almost everywhere :)

  6. They are very common birds, but they are beautiful. Great photos!

  7. Pretty gulls! Excellent photos. I so enjoyed each and every one. And I hope you will participate again whenever you have bird photos to share.

    Sending along my heart felt thanks for sharing this awesome post and photos!! The birders at I'd Rather B Birdin' are beholding to you.

  8. Hello, what a pretty gulls. It is weird to see the gulls in these city scenes. Great captures. I was away for two weeks and I am so sorry to be late commenting and visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead! Happy Mother's Day!
