10 mai 2017

Dans les falaises du Cap Blanc-Nez...

L'heure est à la construction ou consolidation des nids chez les Mouettes tridactyles dans les falaises du Cap Blanc-Nez. Les Fulmars boréaux, quant à eux, passent leur temps à attendre, car peu concernés par cette activité...

16 commentaires:

  1. it is amazing that they can have nests on that wall. Gorgeous photos :)

  2. Beautiful to find these amazing birds where they nest -- perfectly wonderful photos.

  3. Such crystal clear photos!!!...:)JP

  4. The gulls are beautiful and graceful. The Fulmar is just waiting for an empty space on the cliff.

  5. I always like see Fulmars - and now I have to travel a very long way to see them!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. Such a cute birds :-) You must have really good photo camera, pictures are perfect :-)

  7. Beautiful shots, the images of the cliffs are amazing! Happy weekend!

  8. Hello!:) I second the comment Eileen made,...wonderful views of the cliffs with the nesting seagulls, and excellent shots.:)

  9. Beautiul photos. Amazing how they can nest on cliffs like that :)

  10. Hi, Terrific shots of the Kittywake, I think they are the more dainty of the gulls
    Take care, Gordon.
