18 mars 2012

Quelques photos de Agnès Brème...

Voici quelques photos de Agnès Brème prises sur la plage de Sangatte...

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh my goodness glory, what absolutely breathtakingly beautiful photos. I can almost feel the mist of the waves and the flutter of the wings on my skin. Wonderful!!!

    Hey darlin', I wanted to thank ya for your sweet visit and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride!!!

    The Ponderosa is a very busy place so I only post 'bout every seven to ten days. It's all the time it allows me.

    God bless and in the words of that wacky old Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now...ya hear!!! "

    Have a fabulous week my new friend!!! :o)
